Thursday, November 25, 2010

Food = Love

Hello fellow bakers. Unlike the well-known Weight Watchers proverb "Food does not equal love," I believe the opposite. Food embodies love in so many different ways; for me, it is in baking.

I can, meaning I have the ability to, cook -- however, when given the choice between cupcakes and meatloaf, I will always chose cupcakes. They are so much cuter.

Recently, a good friend started a blog dedicated to his passion: snowboarding. (Free plug! Read the Chronicles of Gnaria here.) Tell him I sent you. He is quite literally obsessed with all things related to sub-freezing temperatures that involve a wooden board. It's annoying. It's ridiculous. And it's his passion.

Many of you know I have another blog, Tales from a Social Narcissist, in which I divulge my life's daily entertaining tidbits for you, my stalkerish readers. So, it struck me today, while explaining to someone for the umpteenth million that I think it would be cool to own a bakery where I could bake delicious treats 24/7 AND get paid, that I could start a baking blog to share all my favorite, delicious tasty sugar-filled recipes with you. Plus, I'll give you the inside scoop on my favorite baking tools, and a dinner recipe every now and again.

Baking is my all-time euphoria. People never yell profanities at you as you hand them a plate of fresh baked ginger snaps. Whether or not the average human will admit it, they feel special. Like that one calorie-packed morsel was made just for them with all the love in your heart.

Tip: people love to feel popular. Cookies are an excellent resource to exploit this.

With this, I welcome you to the newest edition of blogs by yours truly. My grandma called me Sunday just to let me know that it was candy making time, and she had already made up the nougat for her famous Christmas caramel nut log. Though I have yet to perfect this recipe, as well as measuring by sight, understand the difference between Baking Soda and Baking Powder and convincing other people that calories don't count on days that end in "y," I can say that her inspiration to continue creating baked love is one I hold tightly close to my heart.

I dedicate these chronicles to her. (Sappy, mushy, lovey - I get it)

Coming up next: recipes/photos for Pear Cranberry Pie, Caramel Pumpkin Pie and Bourboun Chocolate Pecan Pie.

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